Monday, August 20, 2007

"Babs' Sunset"
Acrylic on fiberboard

Today I received a great email from a fellow artist and blogger. She suggested that I take Saturday's jewel, and flip it up and make a sort of abstract sunset out of it. It's a note I've gotten before from other people visiting my blog, and honestly, it's something I toyed with earlier, beginning a "Vertical Sunset" series. It's tough, I've been painting vertically for a while now, and seeing everything vertically. I'm not sure why. I'm a bit obsessed, I guess, and it's why I haven't embraced this composition much. You're right, this piece is suspiciously similar to Saturday's piece, except for the little blue square. I did want to put in a blue line, or area on this piece, but refused as it seemed happy the way it was. Besides, the gray I put into the piece comes off as having a blueish tint to it. So, this is a piece completely inspired by an email from Babs. Hence, "Babs' Sunset".

1 comment:

~Babs said...

Jeff, I am BLUSHING, and
I am so TOUCHED that you'd create
this gorgeous sunset for me!
Thank you is hardly enough,,,,I am truly honored!
It is a great work,,,,,you're right,,,,it's happy,,,,and the gray is perfect! Makes me think of the Statue Of Liberty.
See me smiling?