Thursday, June 26, 2008

"Dream Image #2"
Mixed media on stretched canvas

I dreamt this painting a while back, maybe a month or so, but just now had the time and inclination to put it down.  As with the first Dream Image piece I painted, it always seems like a better idea when I first wake up.  I know that they always look better in my dreams!  I also altered this piece a bit.  I added the green to it, and the third, horizontal line, intersecting the other two.  It seems that when I dream of paintings, at least the first two that I've awakened to remember and attempted to paint, have both been landscapes in as much as I paint them.  I wonder what that means? Should I be leaning towards the abstract landscape?  Hmmm, food for thought.  


Anonymous said...

Oh my - that transparent green is so lovely. Beautiful work.

~Babs said...

You dream in gorgeous color Jeff!
Loved the effects with the jute also,,,and thanks for the info on the process.
Sounds like a fabulous showing you had,,,BIG THUMBS UP on those sales!
(bring in the clowns)

Paula In Pinetop said...

Oh Jeff, love love love this one. I want to touch it. The texture you achieve is just wonderful. Funny, I so love texture but when I paint I go for an ultra smooth look. Wonder what that is about?

Dreams of art, now that is wonderful. I'd like to have dreams of daydreams count???

Jeff, you've made me think today. Thanks

Lala said...

Hi. I like your paintings. I invite you to present your work on the very new site
Thank you and good luck.